Village of Oblong

January 2, 2008

The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on January 2nd, 2008, in the Farley Room of the Municipal Building.

Members Present:     Mayor Randy Rich, Clerk Ladora Boyd, Trustee Joe Campanella, Trustee Rick Houdasheldt, Trustee Ken Russell, Trustee Tony Madlem, Trustee Debi Wilson and Treasurer Jan Miller.

Absent:                    Trustee Rick Catt.

Others Present:         Police Chief Chad Pusey, Public Works Superintendent Gary Lanter, Tom Compton (Robinson Daily News) and Mike McReynolds.

1.     The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Rich.

2.     The Regular Board Meeting minutes of December 5th, 2007, were approved with a motion by Debi and a second by Tony. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

3.     There were no additions or deletions to the agenda this month.

4.     There was one water bill customers at the meeting this month. Mr. McReynolds came before the Board to ask to have his late water bill set-up for weekly payments for the next two months. The Board granted Mr. McReynolds’ request.

5.     Under Mayor’s Comments :   Randy stated that the Village will be accepting applications for the Revolving Loan.  The applications will be ready for pick-up at the end of next week (January 10th or 11th).  The applications are for businesses located in the Oblong School District. The interested party can contact the mayor, any trustee or come to the clerk/treasurer’s office and pick-up an application.

Randy stated that the Village had received a letter from Illinois EPA that stated that the engineering evaluation of the Oblong Public Water Supply has been completed by Engineer Mathew Talbert. The evaluation is to make sure that the Village’s water supply is in compliance with EPA regulations. There were no sanitary or operational deficiencies.

Randy stated that the Village had received a Thank You note from Debi Wilson, Carol Staffey and Michael Staffey & Kids for the floral arrangement for Audrey Wilson.

Randy stated that Old School Disposal has been bought out by Veolia Environmental Services. It was brought up that there has been a billing error from the company.  The company bills that were sent to customers had billing for 4 months (December, January, February & March) instead of 3 months (January - March). Randy stated that he will contact the company and see if they will send out new bills with the correct billing dates or how the company will take care of the error.

6.     Reports of Committees:

A.  Police: Rick H. stated that there would be normal training and everyone had a copy of the monthly report and the year-end report. Chad stated that there will be a training session on January 18th, in Robinson for Vehicle Code Updates.

B.  Building and Park: Joe stated that the Playground Equipment Fund is short $2,165.90 of the $40,000 goal at this time. Joe stated that the Village should know by January 24th or 25th if we received the matching grant for Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

C.  Sidewalks and Lights: Debi stated that she had nothing to report this month. Randy stated that he has received some positive compliments on the new Snowflake Lights. Randy wanted to thank everyone involved in getting the snowflakes.

D.  Street and Alley: Tony stated that he had nothing to report this month.

E.  Water and Sewer: Ken stated that he had nothing to report this month. Gary mentioned that he has gotten clear water samples on the extension and that a couple of customers have been hooked up. Gary stated that there is an IRWA Conference in Effingham in February that he and Travis would like to attend, but he did not have any information on it as of yet so he will bring it to the February meeting. Ken asked if the Westview Addition had been hooked into the new line yet.  Gary said not yet.

F.  Finance: Rick H. volunteered to come in an initial the bills for January.

7.        Motion by Rick H., with a second by Joe, to pay the bills that were on the warranty list and any utility bills, bills that will incur a late charge or reimbursements to employees. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

8.        There was another item of business this month. Ken asked about Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve when they fall in the middle of the week. Motion by Tony, with a second by Rick H., to exchange the paid holiday of President’s Day to Christmas Eve. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

9.        Motion by Ken, with a second by Rick H., to adjourn at 7:14 pm. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


Respectfully submitted


Ladora C. Boyd